Wednesday, March 05, 2008


at least when I fall off the blogging earth I do it for long enough for people to take notice! Shit, what can I tell you? I spent most of January lazing around, getting trained for my new massage job. Spent February bouncing between two jobs for long enough to get really sick. And now, the same virus has invaded my home again, and attacked Mike's kiddos.

Let me tell you there is nothing worse than a sick child. Lots of Mom-Party-Wine drinking, Cathy-cartoon reading gals will say that sick men are the worst, but that's never been my experience. Nothing is more hellish than a booger-wielding, feverish kid who is sneezing and coughing all over you never once covering their mouth to shield you from their kidgerms. I have spent the last two days picking up kleenexes off of the floor of every room in the house, trying to get spaghettio vomit out of the kitchen sink, keeping track of everyone's medication time, (which reminds's about time for some medication for my own self in the form of big ass glasses of wine!) and trying not to pray for an antibacterial bomb to be dropped on our house. Although the idea of antibacterial fallout intrigues me.

Stay tuned dear readers, cause next week Mike and I trade in the kiddos for musicians who like beer. We'll be rocking out for sxsw, and I will try to remember enough details to type into a semi-interesting tidbit.

1 comment:

honeybees said...

Yay Jill! It takes a strong person to hold their own around/against vomit.

I hope everybody's all recovered and up to full speed soon. And have a blast at SXSW!
