Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

It's the end of 2006, and the end of my Big Bad Luck year according to Japanese astrology. Thank gawd. It's been a pretty major year as far as change goes, so I think for 2007 (Year of the Boar) I'll try to keep it as boring as possible.

I hope you all had wonderful holidays and stay happy and healthy in the new year.

Oh, and check out the badass Christmas bag that was getting regifted on to my grandmother. I love me some multicultural Santas. Especially ones that come from the dollar store pull their trees behind them everywhere they go.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Leslie and the Cocknocker

I got these totally BADASS magnets from Letma and DQ for Christmas. So far they are my favorite gift, and it'll take a lot to knock it out of first place. For all that don't know, this fella is Leslie, the most rocking homeless transvestite in the world. He used to push this gigantic cart around and hover at about 6th and Congress in Austin. He ran for mayor once, and I totally voted for him. Not just for his political views, mind you, but for the fact that when I worked as a hostess at the Magnolia cafe, he would often ask for free coffee, telling me, "I like my coffee like I like my men...strong and black."

Oh, and very important, I received this link from someone who gets Time magazine sent to themselves as Mr. Cocknocker. This is my new favorite Christmas song.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Funniest thing I've heard all week

So I was at work, picking on the guy who listens to Yes again. I was asking him if he ever imagines Jon Anderson as some sort of king of the elfkin people or just midgets in general. He said sure, and then I asked if he ever listened to Genesis or Jethro Tull. In my mind, those three bands are linked together (along with a few others) as one-way tickets to dressing up kabuki-style and heading off to Scarborough Faire in Waxahachie, Texas. He said no, he didn't listen to those bands, but by the way, did I know that a member of Jethro Tull had had a sex change operation?? What? Surely the members of a band who wore tights and tiptoed across stadium arenas in the 70's all still have their manliness in tact!! Not so. Seems the keyboardist is now living as a middle-aged woman named Dee. It's kinda like if my grandmother had another secret life as a championship kickboxer.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

I Love Lemurs

I saw this station wagon the other day with this I love lemurs bumper sticker on it. I thought to myself, this person is either the funniest person I've met, or psycho with the Animal Planet channel. When I went to go find a picture of it to put up here, I found this whole page devoted to I love lemur items, including this lovely lemur thong. Kinda makes me think this lemur thing is more for the Animal Planet types than the humorous types. This is called the "special lady" thong. Yes. It's very special. Is there some lemur slang that I don't know about?