Saturday, May 10, 2008

Some Days Are Just Fucking Thankless

Yea thank god for Dripping Springs Vodka and Sharon Jones! I should be very satisfied today because it was the Rockstar's soccer tournament, and she made it to her semifinals tomorrow. Quite an achievement for a ten-year-old! And I am proud of her. And I should be grateful that I've got this bazillionaire massage client calling me up to work tomorrow. But, dammit, I'm all off kilter. I'm all wound up over eating leftovers with this stupid laptop as company, and I'm pissed to find out that the Rockstar's little brother (today let's call him The Slick One) has been feigning not being able to do chores around the house in order to get out of them since I moved in. I've got to hand it to him, that IS pretty slick. But he got found out while me and him mom were talking today, and I feel so taken advantage of. Dood, a seven-year-old has fucked my day totally up. Somehow after leaving the teaching profession, I was hoping I wouldn't have days like this anymore.... And now that feeling has seeped over into my night. Hence the leftovers with vodka and Sharon to sass my ass up.