Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Pot Calling The Kettle

After telling a funny story about Chad and Kami, I thought I 'd look up their blog and see how they are or where they are or what they were doing. Much to my dismay, there's nothing really new on there; well, not since about last spring. I was starting to feel a little riled up (since it's been quite a while since I've heard from them) and then realized that I'm really no better. I barely even get on the internet anymore much less update this page!!

I've been busy doing fantastic stuff with the two coolest kiddos on the planet. Things like imagining our farts propel us like tiny rocketships into the atmosphere and coming up with heroes named Superfinger. This is now how I spend my time. I've even cut my hours at work...

So what's going on with me anyways? Well, here are five things that I'm currently obsessed with:
1. listening to KVRX radio on the way to work at 6:45 am
2. buying plants from Big Red Sun and gardening on our front porch
3. Art Brut!
4. taking afternoon naps
5. Top Notch hamburgers