Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Most Regrettable Fashion Trend since High-Waisted Pants and Cameltoe

Went to a few super hipster Xmas parties this weekend with Mike D. It was nice to bump into a few friends, and OH MY GOD the desserts available at the first party were good. Lots of folks dressed to the nines. Lots of dirty rockstars who don't wash their hair. And unfortunately, lots of doucebaggy lookin dudes with Springsteen-style bandanas wrapped around their heads. It made me long for the days of summer when the fashionistas were showing off their labia in their ubertight Rhoda-inspired trendsetting jeans.

Monday, December 10, 2007

License to ill

Yea!! I took my massage therapist exam and passed it last Thursday! Now all I have to do is get a job and start touching people.

In the meantime, that same night Mike D and a few friends threw the Chicken Ranch Christmas Party and much fun was had by all. Killer music by Automusik and Mr. Lewis, and a few surprise friends showed up (aka Taylor and Keef). I was able to have fun, get schwilly, and not get sloppy; and I even got the business card for some dood who makes gigantic foam fruit. Professionally. What a kickass job.

Since then, I've spent most of the time at home, taking naps and mostly pampering myself for overstudying and overstressing for what turned out to be a pretty simple test. In fact, I feel the couch calling me right about now.....